Reconnect With Your Story, Discover Ultimate Fulfillment

As a young surfer growing up in Hawaii, I rode some of the most sought-after waves on earth and over time I discovered the feeling of flow. Little did I know, this would later become a metaphor for my personal and professional journey. My brand is built around the wave because it represents change and transformation, as well as the concept of ‘flow’—a subtle calm and joy, where things just seem to fall into place. It’s in this state that we are able to operate from our authentic selves, while experiencing ultimate fulfillment as we impact the world around us.

“Peter helped me gain clarity on my next steps in life and achieve a powerful mindset that enabled me to make the right decisions to get me to where I wanted to be. I 100% recommend him. The work with him changed my life.”

A.K., Global Sales Director, Germany & US

Peter Hill

Trusted Counsel to Expats and International Business Leaders

Born and raised in Hawaii, the breathtaking mountains and deep blue sea were the backdrop to where my love of surfing began. As I honed my skills, I specifically remember the first time I achieved ‘flow’. ‘Flow’ as it relates to surfing is when “a surfer rides a wave from start to finish without hesitation”. Where adrenaline meets peace. What I didn’t know then is that ‘flow’ is what I would continue to seek in every aspect of my life.

After exploring some of my early adult life in Hawaii, I moved to California. I hustled to put myself through school while surfing and maintaining relationships, but after awhile left the mainland for an opportunity to teach English in Japan and later study aikido and karate, while teaching myself Japanese. This was where I met my wife, Aki and we had our son, Kai.

I continued following my curiosity, working for Continental Micronesia Airlines as a non-native Japanese speaking flight attendant and later running the Honolulu flight attendant base. Simultaneously, I founded a global award-winning, Certified Expert Resume Writing Service that expanded into a suite of career coaching and advisory services. I took this business to Shanghai, where I successfully immersed myself in a completely new culture. While in Shanghai, I later served as Director of Career Services at Hult International Business School. This position led to multiple director positions across several countries and, ultimately Global Director.

Over these years, I was based in four countries and delivered projects across Europe, Asia, and North America. I was living the expat adventure and the teams I was leading were doing great work.

Despite my many successes and business travel adventures, I found myself feeling deeply unfulfilled. I was experiencing tremendous anxiety and overwhelm that kept me awake at night. Staying focused in meetings and on projects seemed insurmountable. I had navigated my way into an energy-sapping reality that I didn’t even recognize I was in, and the stress was spilling over into other areas of my life.

It wasn’t until I pressed pause that I began to experience massive transformation—embarking on a deep exploration of exactly what I wanted in the next stage of professional and personal life, not what others or the market said I should want. This unpacking, reconstructing and time of expansion gave me a renewed sense of clarity around my “Why”. It enabled me to unleash my resourcefulness and creativity, and reconnected me with my true purpose, which is to make an impact in the lives of others—one-to-one—so they, in turn can expand their impact on the world.

It’s my highest ambition to guide, support, and serve other high-performing expats and international executives— to help them reconnect with their most authentic self, get unstuck and step into a state of constant flow, so they can fully operate from a powerful place, with ultimate clarity to live out their own true purpose.

I invite you to join me on this journey.

Reduce your fear, stress and overwhelm. Reconnect with your strengths and innate sources of motivation. Have absolute clarity. Unleash your talents and take consistent, powerful action to achieve a life filled with greater meaning and impact.

“I have benefited immensely from Peter’s support. He is a true global professional, he sets a high bar for excellence, and he is passionately committed to supporting others on their path to success.”

Shawna U, Global PR & Communications Leader, Shenzhen, China