Purposeful Choice: Will The Sky Really Fall?
It was a typical Thursday afternoon in Hawaii. My to-do list was endless, my inbox full, and my desk metaphorically piled high with "important" work. A WhatsApp message pinged from visiting Maryland friends suggesting we catch some waves. In that moment, I faced a choice we all encounter daily: stick to the plan or seize an unexpected opportunity.
The Illusion of Busyness
How often do we tell ourselves we're too busy to enjoy life's simple pleasures? We trap ourselves in a cycle of endless tasks, believing constant activity equals productivity or success. Here's what I've learned from years of coaching global executives: busyness is often a reaction to fear rather than a response to genuine priorities.
Responding vs. Reacting
The difference between responding and reacting is subtle but profound:
Reacting is impulsive, driven by habit or fear
Responding is thoughtful, aligned with our values and goals
When faced with the opportunity to surf, I could have reacted out of fear - fear of falling behind, fear of not meeting expectations. Instead, I chose to respond based on what truly matters: connection, joy, and balance.
The Sky Didn't Fall
Guess what? The sky didn't fall when I went surfing. The work was still there when I returned. What's notable is that I approached it with renewed energy and perspective. This experience taught me a key lesson: our best progress often comes when we step away from our duties and embrace life's surprises.
Cultivating More Fun
As a leadership coach, I often meet high-performing executives who've lost touch with what brings them joy. They've become so focused on climbing the career ladder that they've forgotten why they started the climb in the first place.
Here's a challenge for you: This week, consciously choose to respond rather than react to an unexpected opportunity for fun or connection. Notice how it impacts your energy, creativity, and overall sense of fulfillment.
The Ripple Effect of Joy
When we allow ourselves moments of pure enjoyment, we're not just benefiting ourselves. We're modeling a balanced approach to life for our teams, families, and communities. We're showing that success and joy aren't mutually exclusive - in fact, they're deeply interconnected.
Your Turn to Ride the Wave
What waves are you missing in your life because you're too focused on your to-do list? How might your career and personal life transform if you allowed yourself to respond to opportunities for joy just a little more often?
You'll find true fulfillment not by checking off every item on your list, but by living a life that reflects your values and brings real happiness. The next time an unexpected opportunity for fun presents itself, ask yourself: "Will the sky really fall if I choose joy in this moment?"
More fun, please. Your future self will thank you.